Equipment & Accessories
Icarus Skydiving School & Air Wear
Skydiving Equipment & Accessories

Customise Your Jump & Flight Suits
The Icarus Camera Suit is a custom built jumpsuit, with the choice of either small wings for team work, or larger wings for filming big formations or skysurfing
The Icarus Flight Suit consists of a cotton material which produces a comfortable flight suit, for aerobatics and general flying
The Icarus Fun Suit is a combination of stretch (spandex), nylon and cotton (airtec), which produces a jumpsuit with a medium to fast fall rate
Our standard design and grips are recommended, however we accept personalised designs or specifications, within reason
New Gear
Icon: Aerodyne
Javelin: Sunpath
Mirage: Mirage Systems
Vector: UPT
-Performance Designs
-Performance Designs

Skydiving Accessories
What can we get for you?
Please feel free to contact us to help us understand what Books, DVD’s, Games and other media we can get for you. Let us know what you are looking for and we’ll get right back to you.
Neumann tackified gloves: Specify size – available in Black, White, Red & Blue
Flexvisions: All Plastic
Kroops: Leather trim in assorted colours
Kroops over glasses: Leather trim
Skyeyes: Rubber trim
-Full Face
-Open Face
-Leather Frapp Hats
Happy Hooker: Aluminum Handle
Jack the Ripper: Large handle – Double blade
Packing Mats – Large: Ideal for packing your whole canopy
Packing Mats – Standard: Twin skin for harness protection
Packing Spikes
Deluxe parabag: Fits one rig and has detachable shoulder bag
Large parabag: Fits two rigs and two jumpsuits
Mini parabag: Fits only one rig – ideal for airline travel
Mini shoulder bag with 3 rings: Javelin 1 or Vector II look alike
Mini shoulder bag without 3 rings: Javelin 1 – look alike (no rings) Standard parabag: Fits one rig and jumpsuit
Spandex weight vest: Specify size and color
Standard weight belt: Specify size and color
Weights: 0.6 gram slabs or 1 kg lead shot bags
Standard Orange Windsock: Large 3.6m x 900mm diameter
Standard Orange Windsock: Medium 2.4m x 600mm diameter
Standard Orange Windsock: Small 1.2m x 300mm diameter
Standard Orange Windsock: FAA 2.5m x 400mm diameter
Windsock Bearing Ring: Large
Windsock Bearing Ring: Medium
Used Gear